Starting Tuesday, April 8 and going thru May 20th, 2025
140.00 per player for 7 sessions
Tuesday evenings at New Century Fieldhouse in Gardner, Ks
Pre Club players will be the 4:30-6:00pm session
Players that have at least 1 year in Club Volleyball will be 6:00-7:30pm
Fill out the waiver form and Registration here on our SKC website and venmo Loretta Schwenk @
We will take up to 24 players in each session. Once you have filled out your waiver and venmoed the 140.00 you are in.
If you have any questions contact...
Loretta Schwenk @
913.908.9077 or
email me
I look forward to meeting all of you and having fun learning more about our great sport of Volleyball!
Loretta Schwenk
With season in FULL swing, players and coaches are hard at work this 2025 volleyball club season.
That being said, keep an eye out for our Spring Academy information as well as our Summer Open Gym opportunities. More information to come!